“Gloria, moenie vergeet nie: Wanneer die lewe op sy moeilikste is, moet ons nog steeds God prys. Dis ons enigste reddingstou, ons grootse hoop om te keer dat vrees posvat.”
For those who does not understand the translation in a nutshell it means when you face uncertainty and life is difficult, to trust in God and not to allow fear to take over.
Now some off us are spiritual, some are religions we all have our different believe systems in what gives us strength and courage, the book I am currently reading is about and Amish family, and even though I am not Amish, this book resonates with me a lot.
Like one of the main characters in the book me myself are on a path of rediscovering, I am faced with a lot of uncertainty, fear and at a crossroad, a crossroad which I am not sure which direction to go or even if this direction is the right one.
This month is mental Illness month and yes even though a lot of people do not talk about it, it is real, very real, for one I do struggle with it and its usually the strongest person or so we pretend to be, or the one with the biggest smile, the one in the crowd who makes everyone smile, it mostly them that struggles with mental illness.
For the last 3 months so many things changed for me, I though I made a decision which will help my family, unfortunately for me it backfired and completely done the opposite. I am not sure what tomorrow will bring, but what I know for sure is, it only takes one or two people to be in your corner, to support you and you can easily see clearly.
Whether you are spiritual or religious never stop looking at the bright side of life. Life is hard its unfair and can throw you a lot of obstacles but find your peace, regardless of how or where.
My new beginning has just started and no matter how difficult it gets; we need to keep going not for others but for ourselves. Block out the negativity, the bad comments or even those who tell you where never anything and will never be.
Wanting a good life is not a crime, believe in yourself and keep fighting.
Keep fighting!